exposition du 22 novembre au 22 décembre 2018
Espace Vallès, Saint-Martin-d'Hères (38)
exposition du 22 novembre au 22 décembre 2018
Espace Vallès, Saint-Martin-d'Hères (38)
exposition du 22 novembre au 22 décembre 2018
Espace Vallès, Saint-Martin-d'Hères (38)
Philippe Veyrunes
393, West Broadway, N.Y.C
Anton Przygodda was born in East Prussia on the 8th of August 1912. In 1934 he joined the merchant navy and sailed from Hamburg in Germany to La Plata in Argentina with the Hapag shipping compagny. After landing in the South American city of Montevideo, he spent the next twenty years living between Argentina and Brazil. He became Anton Brink
Supported from the CCN Grenoble - Jean-Claude Gallotta
STOFF- Kulturhuset - Stockholm Suede - 2011 August
MEEKERS - Rotterdam Nederland - 2011 October
Les soirées à suivre.. CIE Marie Lenfant- Le Mans France - 2011 October
Femmes Pluri’Elles - Grand Angle Voiron France - 2012 March
Extract : 10'08
CCN Grenoble, 2011