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"The reference point in my artistic research is U.S. art in the 1970s and 80s. I take over space by modulating the light, I compose visual installations that inevitably result in a loss ofbearings. They offer novel perceptions to spectators.


My work and research deal essentially with objects, their perception and their relation to space. The installation reveals the surrounding space that it includes as a decisive element. By using light, I irradiate space. The context becomes the content.


By becoming one with space, my installations stress the universality of perception because, as noted by Donald Judd, "the three dimensions are the real space".


I create light as a substance, a substance with volume and colour. A colour in space and time. It is mobile, fluid.


By invading space, light transforms it and often dematerialises it. The presence of light abolishes the limits between the environment and the environed. Both become one and the lightinstallation becomes a "situation", and "experiment for new perspectives".



K-LI-P (Körper - Lumière Installation - Performance)





Video Film
Personal Exhibitions
Design for Exhibitions

Fluorescent tube is a rectangle of light. It is the genesis of my plastic art installations.

It marks the space. By striping it bare, I pull it out of its scope.

Simple, it comes in several sizes, I use it as a tool for installation.

Space and tube are inseparable.

Video films are conceived for the screen.

Work on time and image of captured reality becomes a graphical light.

It is projected within a concrete space.

This image projection is an evolving form (notion developed by Brancusi, Column without an end, resumed by Dan Flavin during his first staging of a fluorescent tube in his workshop. 1963).

K-LI-P is essentially two artists from different fields, Christel Brink-Przygodda, dancer, and Phil Veyrunes, visual artist and lighting designer, who wanted to confront their artistic concepts.


Starting from a given baseline, the artists join forces in an interactive discovery in which the results of each participant question the concept and approach of the other, en route to ashared hybrid creation.


To date, the resulting works, on the fringes of both the performing arts and the visual arts, are intimately related to the concept of performance. 

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